Saturday, September 8, 2012

toby's situation comedy

it's too early for this.

This Morning, with Toby & Joanna--Part the First: Let's Go Out to Pee!

Me: let's go out, toby! come on, buddy! :)  [goes to put gentle leader on]
Toby: [wiggles away]
Me: come on... :)
Toby: [turns around, smiles, then wiggles away until finally being cornered. still wiggles.]
Me: stop it, toby. -_-
Toby: [wiggles. smiles. wiggles.]
Me: stop it.
Toby: [wiggles. smiles. wiggles. smiles. wiggles. smiles. wiggles. smiles. wiggles. smiles. wiggles. smiles. wiggles. smiles.]
Me: stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it.
Toby: [wiggles. wiggles. wiggles. wiggles. finally submits to the gentle leader. smiles.]
Me: *SIGH*


Part the Second: Eat, Eat, Barf.

Toby: i have to pee.
Me: okay, go to the bush.
Toby: now i have to eat things.
Me: nah, come on, buddy, you're okay.
Toby: [sees suitable leaf, sniffs.]
Toby:  NOM.
Me: okay then. i guess it's just one of those mornings.
Toby: damn straight.
Me: wait a minute, bud, i don't think that one--
Toby: shut up. i need to lick this.
Me: don't eat that, toby.
Toby: it's green. i'm eating it.
Me: toby, don't eat it.
Me: toby, i said--
Me: and there it is.
Toby:  much better.
Me: *SIGH*


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